
Fruitfest 2020

The year of 2020 shall go down in infamy as the year the world closed down. Virtually all events and festivals closed completely due to worldwide lockdowns and pandemics. Not UK Fruitfest.

2020 was set to be our biggest year. Instead we had a huge number of cancellations from people concerned about the various restrictions in place. In reality, there was nothing to stop people from attending and we had another wonderful year with 70 guests. Many people said it was one of their favourite festivals so far.

Sadly, we had a smaller team than usual this year and the quality of the videos was not as good as it had been previously. Some of the audio is not as good as it should be. We are looking to see if this can be improved and this will be updated when possible.

Dr Douglas Graham

Ronnie Smith

An Introduction To The Raw Vegan Diet

James Bebbington

Dr Areli Cuevas Ocampo

Rhiannon Van Der Griffin

Roger King

You Deserve Love

Opening Panel With All Speakers