Registration Ends Tonight at 11pm
Join An Elite Community Of Raw Vegan Health Seekers
For An Educational Programme Like No Other
Taught To You By The Best Teachers In The Raw Vegan Movement
(21st to 28th of July, near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire)
Over 150 are already registered to participate at the event known worldwide as the best of the best when it comes to raw vegan education, motivation and fun. This is THE best place to experience the incredible benefits of a raw vegan diet, surrounded by and supported by the best teachers, leaders and motivators in the movement.
Taking place from the 21st to the 28th of July, UK Fruitfest has grown a reputation for excellence among the exclusive community that regularly attends this event.
We guarantee that at UK Fruitfest:
- you will have the best opportunity to experience the remarkable effect of a 100% raw food diet on your body for one week
- you will leave with a clear plan of how to practice a raw vegan diet and lifestyle and use it to boost your health to a whole new level
- you will get all of your questions, worries and concerns about a raw vegan diet and lifestyle answered by the best educators this movement has to offer
- you will eat the best raw vegan food you have ever experienced
- you will eat some of the most delicious fruit you have ever tried, every day
- you will experience the unique high from sharing a raw diet with a supportive community of other people doing the same thing
- you will get a chance to personally meet and speak to your favourite teachers and leaders in the raw vegan movement
- you will experience an alcohol free, smoke free, drug free event…but still have more fun than you have ever had in your life
Spaces Are Now Extremely Limited
Due to unprecedented demand the event has filled most of it’s accommodation options well in advance, with over 50% of last years attendees booking their room at the end of last years event (further proof of how happy our attendees are with the UK Fruitfest).
If you would like to find out if you qualify to attend this event, please look over the information below and then register a time for our festival founder, Ronnie Smith, to phone you personally and discuss an attendance package that will work for you.
The Story Of UK Fruitfest (Fruitfest History 2014-2018)

In 2013, the founder of the UK Fruitfest, Ronnie Smith, put on a small event for friends in the north of England. The idea was to gather together people he had met at Fruit Festivals around the world, who also happened to live in the UK. Word spread quickly about the small gathering and all of a sudden people from around Europe were asking permission to attend. Fruitcamp ended up have over 25 people attend from around the UK and Europe. The positive feedback received from this event made those friends decide to put together a plan for something bigger.

The friends agreed that a larger festival event could be a huge success. This came together for the first time in 2014. The philosophy of the event was to: “provide support, education and community to the raw vegan movement”

The first Fruitfest went ahead in June 2014. It was a huge success, attracting people from as far as Australia and the USA. It was clear that there was a hunger and a thirst all over the world for an event that provided a high level of quality education on the raw vegan lifestyle but also provided incredible food and accommodation.
Since then, word has spread and the festival has grown bigger and better each year.

Fruitfest 2018, 200 attendees!
The Main Components Of The UK Fruitfest
– The Education, The Food and The Activities
The Education – Learn From FullyRaw Kristina, Dr Doug Graham, Ted Carr, Melissa Raimondi (Raw Food Romance), Paul and Yuliya Tarbath, Jesse Bogdanovich, Chris Kendall, Drs Rick and Karin Dina, Professor Rozalind Graham and more!
Let me introduce our team of expert educators!
Kristina Carillo-Bucaram (Second time at UK Fruitfest!)
This will be Kristina’s second time at the UK Fruitfest and she will be playing a big role. Not only will she be delivering the keynote speech at the start of the festival. She will also be hosting a woman’s circle; a powerful experience of healing and support.
Also known as “FULLYRAW KRISTINA,” she has been widely recognized by many in her backyard, as well as across the globe, as the most popular RAW AND VEGAN CELEBRITY AND DIGITAL INFLUENCER of her time.
Her success and popularity can be attributed to her electric and passionate personality and also to her drive to spread the message of HEALTH & WELLNESS.
At the age of 18, she overcame Type 2 Diabetes (Hyperglycemic) by eating a FullyRaw Diet. This diet is now more widely recognizable as strictly fruits and vegetables in their raw and unprocessed states as found in nature.
Over the last 13 years, she has INSPIRED many, and to date, she claims one of the largest social followings in her genre.
Dr Doug Graham (5 time festival speaker)
Recognized as one of the fathers of the modern raw movement, Dr. Graham is guaranteed to educate, motivate, and inspire. He studied nutrition, primarily to enhance his own sports performance, from an early age. In college, where he majored in Health and Physical Education, he took every nutrition course offered. Going through his chiropractic training, he again took every nutrition course offered, studying nutrition every year while going through school.
When his interest in natural hygiene took hold in 1981, he started studying nutrition from a new slant, and with profoundly greater understanding. During the past thirty years, Dr. Graham’s interest and enthusiasm for nutrition has never waned. He has authored The 80/10/10 Diet, The High Energy Diet Recipe Guide, Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries, Grain Damage, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, and the recently published Perpetual Health 365.
His most influential audio programs include Perfect Health, The Cause of Health, and Dr. Graham’s Health Series and he’s also created video seminars including Making Friends With Your Food and Raw Nutritional Science.
Always one to see the big picture, Dr. Graham has become a leader in all areas related to food, farming, diet, nutrition, culinary skills, and even the related environmental sciences. There truly are few people in the world who have been so focused on helping people overcome health problems through proper nutrition, nor any who have followed their own advice so successfully.
Drs Rick and Karin Dina
Dr. Rick Dina, D.C. became interested in nutrition in 1986 and has been studying and practicing raw plant-based nutrition since 1987. He worked at Hippocrates Health Institute and for the Juiceman before entering Life Chiropractic College in 1993. After graduating in 1997, he practiced at True North Health Center from 1997 until 2001, helping patients recover from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and other nutritionally related health challenges with fasting and whole food plant based nutrition. After teaching at Bastyr University, Rick maintained a private chiropractic and nutrition practice from 2003 until 2008 in San Rafael, CA, with his wife Dr. Karin Dina, D.C.
Dr. Karin Dina, D.C. is an author, researcher, educator, clinician, and health enthusiast. She studied naturopathic medicine at Bastyr University, graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic West, and has an honors education in biology. She and her husband, Dr. Rick Dina, D.C. are creators and instructors of the Science of Raw Food Nutrition™ series of classes they taught at a well-known raw food culinary school in northern California for 10 years. She enjoys teaching people about the science behind the benefits of whole natural plant foods and is the author of the The Raw Food Nutrition Handbook: An Essential Guide to Understanding Raw Food Diets
. She has been a featured speaker and culinary presenter at numerous events, such as the Raw Health Expo, the Pure Living Expo(formerly the Raw Living Expo), and the Woodstock Fruit Festival. She has been interested in nutrition since 1988 and has been studying and practicing raw food nutrition since 1990. In addition to presenting and writing, Karin enjoys gardening, exercising, and reading peer-reviewed research.
Chris Kendall (returning to the festival for the 3rd time)
Chris Kendall Born in 1980 in Saskatoon Saskatchewan is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, lifelong athlete, and 100% Raw Food Lifestyle Coach / Mentor. Since the age of 5 he has pushed himself athletically as a skateboarder and is currently competitive raw vegan athlete / amateur skateboarder.
Taking part in a period of poor lifestyle and food choices in his mid to late teens led to early injury, poor recovery, with a predictable decline in vitality and vigor. It was these experiences that spawned a early interest in nutrition and its connection to fitness by the age of 18. During his schooling in 2003/2004 to become a RHN, Chris met long term raw foodists Dr Douglas Graham at a Vegan health festival and went 100% raw over night, his whole life and perspective changed from that point on.
Professor Rozalind Graham (5 time festival speaker)
Rozalind is a mother, professor in Applied Nutrition, dance and fitness instructor and renowned Natural Hygiene teacher. She has been eating and teaching raw food for more than half of her life. Among her specialties is the emotional aspect of living, eating disorders and the proper nurturing of children.
She is the author of the book “Stay fit after 50” and a 2-disc set “Nurturing Peace” with lectures about raw parenting and cultivating inner peace.
Rozalind is a must see speaker and she will inspire and motivate you like no other. She often gets the highest rating on our feedback form. She is an expert at helping people overcome problems with eating disorders.
Grant Campbell (5 time festival speaker)
Grant Campbell, aka Raw Aussie Athlete, is an experienced ultra runner and YouTuber rising to new levels of athletic performance and quality of life since embracing a 100% fruitarian (80/10/10 raw vegan) lifestyle in 2005.
Having overcome chronic asthma, allergies, and shyness on his path to self-love, Grant runs empowering retreats including his popular Thailand Adventure Retreat and the Durian Festival.Having completed over 65 ultras of up to 225km in 35 hours without sleep, Grant plans to run 100 miles at age 100!
Melissa Raimondi- Raw Food Romance (returning to the festival)
Melissa Raimondi is a raw vegan currently living in Canada and loving the winters eating uncooked meals. Create some healthy, delicious recipes this winter – or anytime – to keep you on your healthy lifestyle. Lissa is having a Raw Food Romance for the last 3 years. living in Canada and thriving in the winters living on fruit and greens, and low fat.
After losing 70 lbs and healing countless health complaints, she embarked on a journey to help others experience their true healing potential. She has been sharing this journey through her Youtube channel which has grown to over 30,000 followers across the globe.
Paul and Yulia Tarbath, Rawsome Healthy (2 time festival speakers)
Paul and Yulia are certified Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaches, parents, authors and international health speakers. They are dedicated to helping you become the healthy, fit and vibrant person you deserve to be.
They are both certified Natural Health And Holistic Nutrition Practitioners with the University Of Natural Health in the USA. They run a popular TV channel called Rawsomehealthy with over 9 million views and they are followed by over 80,000 people across 4 continents.
They have delivered talks and masterclasses around the world and have been featured in the Huffington Post, Daily Mail, The Mirror, Natural News, Mind Body Green, The Elephant Journal, Women’s Weekly, India Times, Blogtalk Radio, and other magazines, newspapers, blogs and websites.
Ted Carr (3 Time festival speaker)
Ted made such a positive impact last year that we had to invite him back for 2018.
Ted comes all the way from Canada and has developed a reputation over the last few years as one of the most inspirational people in the online raw vegan community because of his motivational talks and self improvement strategies.
Practicing a fully raw diet for 9 years, Ted has used the diet to propel him to the highest levels of fitness as a triathlete, weight lifter and long distance runner.
Harriet Kjaer (Denmark’s Top Ultra Runner!)
Harriet Kjaer was born Denmark, and after having lived around the world, she has now settled in Barcelona where she designed her life to suit her lifestyle.
She is 43 years of age and has been raw vegan 80/10/10 for the last 7 years. She is an inspirational talker and gives running masterclasses and talks about lifestyle design, raw veganism, minimalist lifestyle and about her great passion of running.
She is a mountain ultra runner and has been doing some of the most extreme races on this planet, and most importantly believes health is all about enjoying a healthy mind in a strong and energetic body.
Jesse Bogdanovich
Jesse Bogdanovich is a raw vegan pioneer and world-renowned expert. He went 100 percent raw vegan overnight more than 15 years ago. Jesse has more than eight years of experience in supporting people in overcoming physical and emotional health challenges of all kinds, including very serious ones. He has overcome all kinds of physical and emotional challenges himself. An allergic reaction to a vaccine turned him from a healthy baby into a very sick one. This led to many years of disability and ill health until he discovered water fasting, but only when he found the raw vegan diet at 21 years old did he become really healthy and truly happy.
Because of acute health challenges he had gone through, Jesse has been inspired to uncover all things that bring us into disharmony with nature. In his opinion, there is no need to reinvent anything but just to follow nature’s path and keep it simple. His biggest goal is to create a positive worldwide impact and passionately inspire and support as many people as possible to be healthier and happier so they can live more fulfilling lives. Jesse lives in the United States but is constantly traveling around the world and spends summers running a family retreat in Croatia.
The Food
Our Head Chef: Chef Alicia Ojeda
This year when it comes to running the kitchen we have went for the best of the best.
Alicia Ojeda is a classically trained chef who offers a breadth and depth of professional experience rarely encountered in the arena of healthful living. Passionate about food and playful about the process, Chef Alicia makes the art of creating delicious, life-giving cuisine a joyful experience.
Most recently Chef Alicia was the Culinary Programs Manager at Living Light Culinary in Fort Bragg, California. She served as the Executive Chef at the annual Woodstock Fruit Festival for 5 years. She’s been a staff instructor and Curriculum Developer at The Natural Epicurean Academy of Culinary Arts in Austin, Texas. She also co-taught 80/10/10 Simply Delicious Culinary Skills courses, and was the Executive Chef for the annual FoodnSport fall event series. And she offers private chef services, speaking engagement opportunities, event management, and restaurant consultations.
Highlights of Chef Alicia’s illustrious culinary career:
• Beets Café, Head Chef
• Roxanne’s Fine Cuisine, R&D/Production Coordinator
• Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, Executive Chef & Instructor
• Dream Works Studio, Executive Chef
• Sony Music, Chef Manager
There is simply no one more experienced to run the kitchen of a raw vegan festival. You will love the simple yet delicious recipes that can be created just from raw fruits and vegetables.
The best quality fruits and vegetables will be sourced from our produce partners. It is important to note that at this point it is almost impossible to accomplish this with a 100% organic selection. Therefore not all food at this point is organic.
The Activities
Each morning we will have a host of different activities to participate in including:
- Yoga
- Fitness Classes
- Running Groups and Workshops
- Meditation
- Q and A sessions with our speakers
- Panel Discussions
- Intimate Discussion Groups
- Women’s and Men’s Circles
- Jive Dance Night
- Debate Night
- Dance For Life Party
- Talent and Open Mic Night
How could you not come, when you could….
- Taste the best fruit the world has to offer! Devour the incredible buffet of MOUTH WATERINGLY DELICIOUS, SUPER SWEET, VIBRANT FRESH FRUIT. Get the chance to eat as much as you like instead of limiting what you eat because of your budget or time.
- Experience tropical fruits that you have never tried before. Like the amazing King of Fruit- DURIAN and the juicy fruit bubblegum flavour of JACKFRUIT to name just two. The flavours are out of this world and have to be tasted to be believed!
- Learn how best to shop for fruit to get incredible discounts. Learn how to store, ripen and prepare these foods for MAXIMUM INTENSITY OF FLAVOUR AND ENJOYMENT.
- have all your meals prepared for you by one of the world’s top raw vegan chefs and our incredible team. They will make sure that each meal is BETTER than the last and you will always get as much as you want!
- Go home with TONNES of new recipes and new recipe ideas. Get your creative juices flowing and have endless fun and pleasure making delicious new raw recipes in your kitchen. These will be not only more delicious than any cooked meal you could make but will be much healthier too.
- Learn how to eat as much as you want and still lose weight, have more energy and feel and look younger
- Lose all the fears, anxieties and worries that are holding you back. Let go of your old habits. Become the new raw superpowered version of your self. UNLEASH THE HEALTH GIANT WITHIN THAT IS DESPERATE TO GET OUT.
- Lose some excess weight rapidly. We get different reports at the festival about how much weight people can lose. Often people can lose 5 pounds or more in the 5 days of the festival.
- Meet some of your favourite inspiring raw vegan leaders and teachers. Get a chance to be up close and personal with them. Have a personal conversation and eat dinner with some of the best raw vegan leaders in the world. Get a chance to see for yourself how they eat, how they exercise and see the mindset they have which makes them stay raw successfully for the long term!
- Have the chance to try new exercises and activities. Get coached by experts to help you improve your performance rapidly. Some of our teachers are coaches who have worked with world champion athletes and Olympians, others are elite athletes in themselves. You will be amazed at what you can learn from their experience in just a few days.
- Give you your children a fantastic chance to meet other veggie, vegan and fruit based children. We always have games for the kids to play and make sure they have as good a time as everyone else. This year we want to give even more support to the childrens team as we are expecting even more kids this year than ever.
- Learn absolutely everything you need to know about a raw vegan or fruitarian diet. Heard about 80/10/10? Learn from the man who wrote the book Interested in the ethics of Fruitarianism? Learn from Anne Osborne, one of the world’s best known ethical fruitarians. Do you want to know about fitness, weight loss, detox, fasting, juicing, getting enough protein, fat, carbohyrdates, Vitanmin b12, Vitamin D and on and on?? You will get all your questions answered and take home with you new information to inspire and help others.
- Find new friends who are in alignment with you. Whenever we are making big changes in our life it is likely that we may outgrow some of our old friends. At Fruitfest, move towards new friends that will nourish you and help you grow to your greatest potential. If you are always the healthiest person in the room maybe you need to get around people that make you realise you still have room left to grow!
- Hear countless inspiring stories from the attendees of the festival. Some of the biggest value comes in hearing the life changing, heart opening, mind blowing stories about other people’s health journeys. We regularly have people who have been able to heal themselves from the depths of despair and hit rock bottom in their health. Through what they learned from this community and through the help and encouragement of the people in it they were able to recover to full health.
More About Fruitfest: Your Questions Answered
Location: Croft Farm Waterpark, Bredons Hardwick, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 7EE
You can see more about this place at their website:
This is a superb venue for our event. It is situated on an idyllic lake with access to water sport activities. This is an incredibly easy and central place to get to for many millions of people in the UK as it is not too far from a major motorway.
Traveling to and from the Fruit Festival
Registration on the 21st of July is between 1pm and 3pm. The festival will end at 4pm on the 28th of July.
Travelling by Car: For those of you coming by car, you can use the above postcode for your Sat Nav. Taken from Croft Farm website: “From the M5: Leave the M5 at junction 9. Head towards Tewkesbury and turn right at the first set of traffic lights, into Shannon Way. At the next set of traffic lights turn right and go over the motorway bridge. Take the first turning left, through a housing estate, and go over the motorway for a second time. At the T junction turn right onto the B4080 and then take the first left into Croft Farm.” From Tewkesbury: On entering Tewkesbury drivers should look for the B4080. This is on the NE side of the town, at the end of the High Street when leaving Tewkesbury in the Worcester direction. Croft Farm is in the hamlet of Bredon’s Hardwick, unmarked on most maps, but if you travel along the B4080 towards Bredon for 1.5 miles you will see the Park signs on the left-hand side, almost opposite the Cross Keys Inn.”
Traveling by Train The nearest train station is ‘Ashchurch for Tewkesbury’ a 7 minute drive away from Croft Farm (or a 40 minute walk along country roads with no pavements). Local taxi numbers are on the next page if you want to book a taxi in advance for when your train arrives/leaves. Trains to Ashchurch are frequent from major cities such as Manchester, Birmingham and London on both the Wednesday and the Sunday. If you want more train options you can also get a taxi from or to Cheltenham Spa (30 minutes drive away). To check train times from your nearest station go to
Trains From The Airport There are train links from all airports to Ashchurch on the Wednesday. You will then need to get a taxi from the train station to the festival. Last year the first trains from Ashchurch on Sunday was around 2pm. If you need to catch an earlier train you can get a taxi to Cheltenham Spa (30 minute drive) where trains start earlier and are more frequent. There are also bus options from Ashchurch to Cheltenham Spa if preferred.
To check different train times go to To help plan your journey go to
Festival Bus We hope to provide at least one festival bus this year. Our registration process will allow you to mark down your desire to travel in the bus. We will check how many people want this service and contact you with further details closer to the event.
Accommodation at The Event
Croft Farm has a number of different accommodation options. We have booked the chalets. These are simple yet comfortable and warm cabins. Most of these have 4 beds (2 bunk bed sets) and we have a limited number with just two beds (ideal for couples). You can view these on the Croft Farm website.
We will split these chalets in to 4 types: men only, women only, couples and families. There will also be the ability to camp at the event or stay offsite in your own or alternative accommodation for a reduced rate.
Are You Bringing Children?
We have some different prices to try to make it more affordable to bring children and to encourage families to attend. Of course, we see it as being very important that families get access to all aspects of this lifestyle.
We are going to have at least one volunteer who will be engaged in looking after children to allow parents to have some time to relax alone if they wish.
Luxury Accommodation (only 1 available)
Are you looking for something a little more luxurious at the festival? Right now we have just ONE luxury lodge available
Situated with a great view over the lake, Lodge 31 is a one bedroom fully equipped country style log cabin that is a perfect retreat in a stunning location.
The lodge can accommodate up to four people with a double sofa bed in the lounge. Enjoy watching the sun go down on the decking area – which is also perfect for some alfresco dining.
Only available for 8 days term (not 5 day). Price is £4500.
Refund/Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend the event for any reason we provide the following refund policy. Anytime up to 2 weeks before the event you can receive a refund of all that you have paid minus a handling fee of £75. After 1pm on the 7th of July (2 weeks before the event) a late cancellation fee of 50% is applied and your refund finalised within 30 days of completion of the festival.
Yes, I’m ready to come to Fruitfest, how can I make this happen?
To learn more about this event, get your questions answered and find out if this is for you please book a call with us. Your call with be handled personally by the founder Director of the festival, Ronnie Smith.
What Others Have Said About The Fruit Festival
Don’t take my word for it. Here’s what some of our attendees have to say:
“it’s been brilliant, I’ve loved every minute of it really; the talks, the food, the people it’s just been fantastic” – Steve Douglas, England
“it was wonderful, this was my first time in England. I’ve been to other festivals and this was beautiful. It’s a beatiful location and the people are very nice as they often are at most of the raw festivals. I really liked the campfire, that was just amazing”
– Laurie Ellicott, USA
“Absolutely brilliant. The defining points for me are two things really; 1) the chance to meet so many like minded people, share stories, share your journey and hear their stories back. It’s just great to meet people with similar ideas and passions, to share and learn. And 2) Listening to really, really high quality speakers. If you’ve read the books you think you know a lot but you learn so much more here and it can only help you in your health and your continued growth”
– Jack Childs, England
“it’s been a great time at the festival, I’ve learned a lot, I’ve met lots of new people of course. I’m loving all the presentations. Everyone wants to be healthier, the festival gives you a glimpse of the life you could have” – –Kate Weight, England
“it’s been really great, I met some new friends, had some great fruit, did some really good activities every day. It’s been really good to get the knowledge” – Paul Turner, England
“the highlights for me were meeting other people and meeting other children as well because coming as a family unit, making friends with other vegetarian, vegan, fruit based children is pretty huge” – -Tracey Rose, Scotland
“I’ve had fruits I’ve never had before, I’ve had dragon fruit, i’ve had durian and to have the unlimited quantities of it has been so liberating, it’s really great. Sharing the fruit with everyone, it has this really nice sense of community”
– Michael Goodchild, The Vegan Activist
“I’m gonna take away ways of planning my life better, a general attitude of positivity and not letting myself get bogged down by things, making more time in my life for running and exercise. It’s made me feel so clean I don’t want to go away and start putting other things into my body again. It’s really given me a restart”
– Dawn Dakin, England
“This is our 25th wedding anniversary and instead of going somewhere exotic we’ve decided to come and celebrate at the fruit festival. It’s been a life changing experience we were a bit daunted coming here because we are new to raw foods and we didnt know anybody here and didn’t know anybody else doing raw food. We came here with an open mind and we’ve absolutely loved it and can’t wait to come back. We don’t want to go home!”
– Pamela and Michael Jones, Wales
“it’s not just about eating fruit it’s about getting healthier, taking responsibility for yourself and connecting with like minded people” –Marcel Cattin, Switzerland
“So often we are addicted, maybe smoking, alcohol, coffee all these things and we know that they’re doing our bodies harm. Here you get the information and the inspiration to change your life”
-Roger King, England
“It’s even better than I expected it to be, definitely. I didn’t really know what to expect, I’d never met another raw foodie so I was really, really excited about meeting other like minded people and everyone here is so nice. I’ve learned so much this week, it’s brilliant it’s definitely exceeded my expectations in every way” – –Alexandra McLean-Dridje, England
“I really enjoyed the festival because we met so many nice people, did so many nice exercises and had the best fruit ever. I really enjoyed it and will come back” –Sarah Merkel, Germany
“I just love everything about it, the people are really, really great, the food….amazing, the sports instruction- really helpful, and all the speakers have been excellent, the information has been really really good” –Karina Kasler, Germany
“the highlights have been the talks, definitely, going to the running classes as well, it surprised me how much I learned from those. I was surprised at how friendly everybody here is. You don’t normally get that instant communication and respect when you meet people in day to day life. I’d definitely come back in a second, it’s been one of the best experiences of my life” –Michelle Erkiert, England
“I came by myself and I was a bit nervous about coming and Ronnie had said it was like a big happy family and I didnt believe him! But I can’t believe how open and loving and warm and accepting- what a great place and atmosphere. The food has been great, so many recipe ideas to take home so it’s really helped me on my journey. And then, all the people you see on Facebook, that you follow are here and you can ask them questions. It’s been brilliant, I loved it and made so many friends and connections, it’s just been superb. My body feels so clean, it feels so natural and right that I just want to carry on”
-Amanda Jones, England
“I’m so anxiously looking forward to this years UK Fruitfest. Having attended all of the Fruitfest’s in the past, I know that this year’s will once again be a highlight of my year. Every year the Fruitfest has improved. Every year, every aspect of the programme has been tweaked to better serve the guests, everybody’s happy, we all have a good time. I’m gonna be there this year because it’s so much fun! This is an event you don’t want to miss”
– Dr Doug Graham, author “The 80/10/10 Diet”
“It’s fantastic, it’s beautiful there’s so many wonderful people here, I’ve met so many friends, old friends, new friends, had so much fun” – Paul Miller, Jersey
“I was expecting it to be good but it’s surpassed my expectations, it’s been fantastic”
-Hannah Rees-Ridge, England
“I’ve had the best time I’ve ever had in my entire life” – Edina Jackson, England
“The food’s been amazing, I’ve had lychees that I never knew existed, I really didn’t know they could be that good, and had durian twice. Lots of activities, I’ve got new muscles in my legs that i’ve only ever seen in textbooks, I didn’t know I actually had those muscles myself” – –Jim Smith, England
“I had my first Yoga session which was amazing, I didn’t consider myself a Yogi!”
– Izolda Biro, Hungary
“It’s exceeded all my expectations. I thought I’d arrive and it would all be a bunch of hippies walking around with no shoes on. I’ve just met normal people that are like minded and it’s been inspiring from the minute I got here” – Jane Sinclair, Wales
“The highlights would be listening to experts in the field such as Dr Doug Graham, Anne Osborne, Chris Kendall, sharing their knowledge that they’ve accumulated over decades of following this lifestyle” – Wil Currie, England
“the food has been exceptional, I’ve loved the food, my favourite has probably been the peaches”
– Robyn Ede, England
“the quality of the food that was ordered has been out of this world, we’ve been able to get food from all over the world and it’s just been amazing” – Dorothea Vasichek, USA
“as the person that prepares a lot of the meals in the house it’s been a nice break for me to come here and have food prepared” – John Coleman, England
“I travelled from Florida just for the festival and I’ve had a fabulous time, this has been my first fruit festival and now it’s all I want to do!” – Dee Duncan, USA
“How have I found the festival? Brilliant, although it’s gone really, really quickly, the time has flown, it’s 5 days but it feels like about 2, but – absolutely brilliant!”
– Matthew Tolley, England
“I have to say this has been one of the most enjoyable festivals that i’ve ever been to in all the years I have been doing this. The whole experience was just marvellous for me, I don’t think I’ve ever been to an event where I felt quite so relaxed and just part of a big family, a big laid back, fun loving open minded, heart centred family. I really, really, enjoyed it”
–Prof. Rozalind Graham
“It was nice to reconnect with old friends who I haven’t seen in a long time and to meet tonnes and tonnes of new people” – Jesse Bogdanovich, The Whole Lifestyle
“It’s kind of a holiday camp. You come here, you relax, you do what you love, eating fruit, just chilling out, having time together…it’s perfect” – Sylvia Konaklieva, England
“It’s been mindblowing to be honest. I’ve had different ranges of emotions since I got here. The nectarine I had yesterday was the best piece of fruit I’ve ever eaten”
– Sean Smith, England
“UK Fruit Festival has seriously been amazing, it’s my second time back and it’s getting better and better every single year. Really amazing lectures, amazing food, amazing connections with everyone. I’ve been to more lectures at this festival than ever and the education has bar none been really, really high. All the people had a lot of fun, a lot of heart and genuinely wanted to connect to each other, it was just awesome” – Chris Kendall, raw vegan chef and teacher
“the fruit’s been awesome, being in this beautiful area has been sweet, the accomodations are cool too, I love the little huts we’ve been staying in. It’s been a great time and the presenters have been sweet, the attendees have been going to nearly every presenation. I’m excited to come back in the future for sure” – Alyse Brautigam, Raw Alignment
“The festival was great. Being here with fruit and fruit family is a fantastic place to be. The men’s group was great, the campfires were fantastic and the athletics, the morning runs with Grant were a super, super time” – -Ted Carr, Fruit Living
“I’ve learned a lot of information to keep my health good for my whole life. Not just about the diet, about how to sustain a good lifestyle and how all the parts support each other” – Venla Mustonen, England
“it’s been good to eat all the amazing food and all of the talks have been really incredible. I’ve loved the running, yoga, Doug’s classes have been amazing. The speakers have been so open and willing to share. I just found it really valuable, it definitely exceeded my expecations” – Angela Orrechio, USA
“It was my very first festival and you guys made me feel so welcome and accepted. Your festival holds a very special place in my heart” -Melissa Raimondi, Raw Food Romance
Come along to Fruitfest 2019
Celebrate our 6th Birthday with us. It is always the people that make the event so incredible. A unique group like this will only come together once in a life time. Come and be part of this special group and create your own Fruitfest memories.
Experience more fruity, sunny, sweet days of summer surrounded by friends and support. Become a healthier, more energetic version of yourself for up to 8 days. Start the process of losing that excess weight, shedding the chrysalis of the old you and stepping into a new you; full of strength and passion for creating a better life for yourself.
I look forward to meeting you. Our presenters look forward to serving you. The fruit you will eat is currently on a tree somewhere, ripening in the sun, waiting to be picked and transported directly to your plate at the UK Fruitfest.
TAKE ACTION. Spaces are limited and we have close to 5000 people eagerly awaiting more information on the festival. Many people from previous years are already desperate to come back.
Join the adventure of a lifetime, seize this opportunity while it lasts. Get in touch now to reserve your spot at what is fast becoming the greatest health festival in the world!
Stay fruity and come to Fruitfest!
Ronnie Smith
UK Fruitfest Founder
P.S This years Fruitfest is going to be better than ever. Though we don’t have the full schedule ready to show you, I can guarantee we have great plans for more fun and enjoyment.
We are taking the kitchen up a notch with a specially selected and highly trained professional team. The food is going to knock your socks off! You will really see how easy, fun and delicious it can be to go raw.
Come to Fruitfest. Get the information and inspiration to change your life and reach your greatest potential. If you wish to register for Fruitfest please visit our website today, this is when registration opens.