
Volunteer At UK Fruitfest

Are You Interested In Coming To UK Fruitfest?  Would You Like To See If You Qualify To Be One Of Our Volunteers?

Volunteers benefits include:

  • a chance to work with our team and develop skills and experience in raw food preparation and other areas of event management
  • the rare opportunity to work with Chef Alicia Ojeda, who many consider to be the best professional raw vegan chef in the world
  • a chance to be part of a highly motivated and well run team, working together to make something special for the raw vegan movement
  • an opportunity to stay for an extra night at the event
  • a chance to be involved in the set up of the event and see what goes into putting together a festival
  • as much as a 60% discount on your ticket (in return for a maximum of 4 hours work per day)
  • plenty of time to enjoy the rest of our event, our food, activities, lectures, games and entertainment
  • volunteers develop a unique camaraderie and often make friends for life
  • volunteers often have a lot of fun and want to come back year after year to help out with the event


Volunteers Have Fun!


Your Next Step

If you would like to find out if this is for you, please fill in the form below.  You will then be taken to a page in which you can fill out a short application form.

We will be in touch soon to let you know if you have been successfully chosen.

Enter Your Details Below And Hit Subscribe To Go To Our Application Page

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