Tag: fully raw diet
Fruit and veg could become unaffordable for many people after no-deal Brexit
by Ronnie Smith
Fruit and veg could become unaffordable for many people after no-deal Brexit Could this be bad news for fruit and veg lovers in the UK? Research suggests that a “no deal Brexit” could lead to higher costs of fruit and vegetables. THis is according to an article released on Metro.co.uk which you can view…
Read MoreFruitarian Anne Osborne Featured In UK’s Biggest Newspaper “The Sun”
by Ronnie Smith
Fruitarian Anne Osborne Featured In UK’s Biggest Newspaper “The Sun” The article, titled: Mum who has only eaten FRUIT for the last 27 years claims she never gets hungry – and even brought her children up on the same raw diet Can be read in full here: https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/food/7569677/mum-only-eaten-fruit-27-years-children-same-diet/ Recently, a journalist approached us to ask…
Read MoreWhat’s Wrong With The Wikipedia Page on “Fruitarianism”
by Ronnie Smith
What’s Wrong With The Wikipedia Page on “Fruitarianism” by Ronnie Smith Many people who are researching Fruitarianism or Raw Veganism for the first time may end up reading Wikipedia. Wikipedia is an online dictionary which is made up by contributions mostly from volunteers. I am not sure exactly how this is policed, but obviously…
Read MoreWoman, 37, starts living as a raw vegan MERMAID after doctors found a lump in her breast
by Ronnie Smith
Woman, 37, starts living as a raw vegan MERMAID after doctors found a lump in her breast and claims her quirky new lifestyle is ‘reversing the aging process’ and ‘making her younger’ Lisa, 37, who goes by the alias Raw Vegan Mermaid, had a health scare back in April 2013 when doctors found…
Read MoreRESPONSE: ‘I’d a raw vegan birthday cake and was miserable, now I’m taking on the clean-eating brigade
by Ronnie Smith
RESPONSE: ‘I’d a raw vegan birthday cake and was miserable, now I’m taking on the clean-eating brigade This is a response to the following article: https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/life/weekend/id-a-raw-vegan-birthday-cake-and-was-miserable-now-im-taking-on-the-cleaneating-brigade-36800559.html Dr John MacDougall said it best: “People love to hear GOOD THINGS about their BAD HABITS” In the diet industry, authors are handed large advances from publishers to…
Read MoreThis Video Made Me Go Raw Vegan
by Ronnie Smith
Around about September 2011, I had just come back from a trip to New York with my then girlfriend. I remember she asked “Would you ever go back to New York?” and I said “Probably not” A week later I was back home scrolling through facebook when a friend posted a film called Earthlings. At…
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