Tag: fruit
Anne Osborne on The Importance Of Foraging
by Ronnie Smith
This clip comes from a talk given by Anne Osborne on foraging. Anne has been a fruitarian for over 25 years and started off on this lifestyle living in the UK. She has now moved to Australia and has raised two children on a fruit diet. She works for the Woodstock Fruit Festival helping with…
Read MoreFruit: The Most Misunderstood Food
by Ronnie Smith
Fruit: The Most Misunderstood Food by Dr Doug Graham From the earliest of written history, fruit has played a key role in human health. It was the main food consumed in the proverbial Garden of Eden for an untold number of years. During the Golden Age of Man some 2500 years ago, fruit was the…
Read MoreNew juice range made from wonky fruit and veg aims to cut waste
by Ronnie Smith
New juice range made from wonky fruit and veg aims to cut waste https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/01/new-juice-range-made-from-wonky-fruit-and-veg-aims-to-cut-waste A new story has just been published about a range of juice being made from “wonky fruit”: It states: One of the UK’s largest fresh produce growers has teamed up with a Spanish fruit supplier to create a new product, Waste…
Read MoreFormer Professor In Japan Claims Eating Fruit For 8 Years Made Him “Superhuman”
by Ronnie Smith
Does Eating Fruit Make You Superhuman? According to this Japanese Professor, the answer is YES! This article, published in TruthTheory.com HERE, states: “In September of 2009, Nakano decided to experiment with his health and eat nothing but fruit all day, every day. He was aware that conventional wisdom says an only-fruit diet is unhealthy (mainly…
Read MoreThe $500 apple: Woman fined for failing to declare fruit she was given on flight
by Ronnie Smith
A new article has been released on independent.com Next time you are travelling you may want to watch you are not smuggling fruit into a country. You could be fined $500! The article starts: “A woman from Colorado has been fined $500 (£360) after failing to declare an apple that she took from a transatlantic flight. Crystal Tadlock…
Read MoreIncrease Your Carbohydrates, Improve Your Health
by Ronnie Smith
We have just posted this video on our Youtube channel: You may have seen a lot of information telling you to reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat. You may have come across “low-carb” diets in which the aim is to eat very little carbohydrates or NO carbohydrates at all. Why Is This A Misguided…
Read MoreTesco Worker From Scunthorpe Creates FREE Fruit Idea That Becomes Nationwide Success
by Ronnie Smith
A Tesco worker came up with an idea to give away free fruit and it’s been hailed as a national success. “Tesco’s ground-breaking Free Fruit for Kids initiative has proved a real hit with children and parents, with over 50 million pieces of free fruit given to children since the programme launched almost two years…
Read MoreAre You Like Joni Mitchell?
by Ronnie Smith
Joni Mitchell once sang: “Hey farmer farmer, Put away that D.D.T. now Give me spots on my apples, But leave me the birds and the bees Please” Sorry Joni, It seems, in general, most people don’t want spots on their apples. For fruit to sell in the supermarkets it has to look immaculate, no blemishes…
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