Tag: fullyrawkristina
FullyRaw Kristina’s Top 3 Salad Dressings
by Ronnie Smith
FullyRaw Kristina’s Top 3 Salad Dressings Are you looking for some raw vegan recipe inspiration? Looking for some new salad dressings? In this video, shot at UK Fruitfest 2018, Kristina talks about her 3 favourite raw vegan salad dressings. She know’s a thing or two about raw vegan recipes! Watch more below:
Read MoreRESPONSE: ‘I’d a raw vegan birthday cake and was miserable, now I’m taking on the clean-eating brigade
by Ronnie Smith
RESPONSE: ‘I’d a raw vegan birthday cake and was miserable, now I’m taking on the clean-eating brigade This is a response to the following article: https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/life/weekend/id-a-raw-vegan-birthday-cake-and-was-miserable-now-im-taking-on-the-cleaneating-brigade-36800559.html Dr John MacDougall said it best: “People love to hear GOOD THINGS about their BAD HABITS” In the diet industry, authors are handed large advances from publishers to…
Read MoreFruit: The Most Misunderstood Food
by Ronnie Smith
Fruit: The Most Misunderstood Food by Dr Doug Graham From the earliest of written history, fruit has played a key role in human health. It was the main food consumed in the proverbial Garden of Eden for an untold number of years. During the Golden Age of Man some 2500 years ago, fruit was the…
Read MoreSPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Kristina Carillo-Bucaram (@fullyrawkristina) To Appear At Fruitfest 2018
by Ronnie Smith
Yes, that’s correct! We are excited to announce….. Kristina Carillo-Bucaram, “FullyRawKristina”, has just announced that she will be attending the 2018 UK Fruitfest. In her own words, she says this: “Hey you guys, happy Wednesday. I wanted to make the announcement that I’m gonna be going to the UK Fruitfest this summer. For those of…
Read MoreIs Fruit Bad For People Who Have Cancer?
by Ronnie Smith
A new video came up from a conference that has just taken place. You can watch it here: In this video, various leaders in the health movement are asked their opinion on fruit. The first 4 speakers appear to be fairly anti-fruit. AKA Fruitphobics! Then Dr Garth Davis takes the microphone. Thankfully, despite not being…
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