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A Rotting Durian Fruit Prompted a Gas Leak Scare and Evacuations on a Melbourne College Campus

A Rotting Durian Fruit Prompted a Gas Leak Scare and Evacuations on a Melbourne College Campus A new story has just been released on “Fears of a gas leak caused around 500 students and staff to be evacuated from a university library in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday. But instead of poisonous vapors, the 40 firefighters…

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This Video Made Me Go Raw Vegan

Around about September 2011, I had just come back from a trip to New York with my then girlfriend. I remember she asked “Would you ever go back to New York?” and I said “Probably not” A week later I was back home scrolling through facebook when a friend posted a film called Earthlings.  At…

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Former Professor In Japan Claims Eating Fruit For 8 Years Made Him “Superhuman”

Does Eating Fruit Make You Superhuman? According to this Japanese Professor, the answer is YES! This article, published in HERE, states: “In September of 2009, Nakano decided to experiment with his health and eat nothing but fruit all day, every day. He was aware that conventional wisdom says an only-fruit diet is unhealthy (mainly…

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5 Myths About Fruit Consumption You Should Stop Believing

An article has just been released with the title: 5 Myths About Fruit Consumption You Should Stop Believing It appears HERE on Medical Daily So, let’s go through it and see what we think. “1. Frozen fruits are less nutritious than fresh ones This myth has perpetuated the idea that nutrients are lost when fruits are…

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What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Healing Colitis

Some information about this video: “I literally ate just bananas for 2 months, and by the end of those 2 months my symptoms of Colitis had gone away…I was feeling better than I ever had, I was feeling amazing and i was just eating bananas!” In this interview Andrew Perlot talks about healing Colitis through…

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The $500 apple: Woman fined for failing to declare fruit she was given on flight

A new article has been released on Next time you are travelling you may want to watch you are not smuggling fruit into a country. You could be fined $500! The article starts: “A woman from Colorado has been fined $500 (£360) after failing to declare an apple that she took from a transatlantic flight. Crystal Tadlock…

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The Dangers Of A Raw Vegan Diet

Whenever you talk to people who have never heard about the raw vegan diet they become concerned. They start to ask a lot of questions. They get a worried look on their face. They assume their must be something missing?  There must be something incomplete about the diet?  You must be taking tonnes of supplements,…

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The Beginners Guide To A Raw Vegan Diet

If you are just at the start of your journey to a raw vegan diet it is very likely you will make many of the common mistakes that beginners make. You almost can’t avoid making these mistakes. A raw vegan diet will be such a big change for you that it will take some time…

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Charity gets £100,000 to help families grow fruit and veg

This seems like a great idea. The article was just posted in the Northern Echo: A CHARITY has been given almost £100,000 to help disadvantaged families learn how to grow their own fruit and vegetables. OASES (Outdoor and Sustainability Education Specialists) was given the grant to help it deliver four Growing Together clubs around County…

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SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Kristina Carillo-Bucaram (@fullyrawkristina) To Appear At Fruitfest 2018

Yes, that’s correct! We are excited to announce….. Kristina Carillo-Bucaram, “FullyRawKristina”, has just announced that she will be attending the 2018 UK Fruitfest. In her own words, she says this: “Hey you guys, happy Wednesday.  I wanted to make the announcement that I’m gonna be going to the UK Fruitfest this summer.  For those of…

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