
A Rotting Durian Fruit Prompted a Gas Leak Scare and Evacuations on a Melbourne College Campus

A Rotting Durian Fruit Prompted a Gas Leak Scare and Evacuations on a Melbourne College Campus

A new story has just been released on Time.com:

“Fears of a gas leak caused around 500 students and staff to be evacuated from a university library in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday.

But instead of poisonous vapors, the 40 firefighters and specialists called to the scene found a rotting durian fruit stashed in a cupboard, according to the Herald Sun.

Melbourne’s Metropolitan Fire Brigade had sent out an alert about a possible chemical hazard at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology after the smell of gas was reported at the campus library.

A fire brigade spokesperson told the Sun that the odorous Southeast Asian fruit set off alarms after it filtered through the air conditioning.”

Durians are unfairly categorised as smelling foul.  People say they smell of onions, old socks, B.O, vomit and other horrific smells.

Thought they had a very strong smell, I have never found it to be an offensive smell.

There is nothing better than cycling past a Durian stand in the sun and letting the smell hit you.  It’s a delight!

As for the taste, it is such a unique and incredible tasting fruit.  It really has no comparison.

To learn more about all things Durian, head over to my friend Lindsay’s site “Year Of The Durian”

You can find it here: yearofthedurian.com

A Rotting Durian Fruit Prompted a Gas Leak Scare and Evacuations on a Melbourne College Campus A new story has just been released on Time.com: “Fears of a gas leak caused around 500 students and staff to be evacuated from a university library in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday. But instead of poisonous vapors, the 40 firefighters…

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