Category: Uncategorized
Orange Turns Purple: Australian Scientists Solve Fruit Mystery
by Ronnie Smith
A recent story reported by the BBC tells the story of a mystery orange that turned purple. You can read the original version here- The article states: “Australian health authorities say they have solved a mystery that prompted much speculation earlier this month. It began when a Brisbane woman, Neti Moffitt, asked for an investigation…
Read MoreHow To Put On A Fruit Festival – Interview with John Kohler and Ronnie Smith
by Ronnie Smith
This video includes an interview with UK Fruitfest founder, Ronnie Smith, about the process of putting on a Fruit Festival. If you are interested in putting on such an event this video should be very helpful. The interview with Ronnie starts at 21:10. Already, this video has led to someone getting in touch with…
Read More“Let’s All Go Raw” Song By Joe Best At UK Fruitfest 2018
by Ronnie Smith
Joe Best hosted an awesome open mic night at UK Fruitfest this year. As part of this he played his own song “Let’s All Go Raw”. Feel free to share the song and find more from Joe at his “Raw Awakening” Youtube channel.
Read MoreThe Best Raw Vegan Pizza Ever!
by Ronnie Smith
The Best Raw Vegan Pizza Ever! Once upon a time, I created a raw vegan pizza for a raw dinner party I was hosting. I had tried to copy part of a recipe by my friend Chris Kendall but decided to throw in a few ideas of my idea. Turned out that was a mistake!…
Read MoreFruitarians Featured In The News Worldwide
by Ronnie Smith
Fruitarians Featured In The News Worldwide You may have seen that a Fruitarian couple have been featured a lot online recently. Simon and Tina, from Fit Shortie Eats on Youtube, and also @fit_shortie_eats on Instagram have been written about in the Daily Mail online, the Sun, The India Times, The Metro as well as other…
Read MoreFilm Of UK Fruitfest 2018 From “Awkwardly Kim”
by Ronnie Smith
One of our attendees from 2018, Kimberley Collins, has made a great short film of the event. It is hosted on her Youtube channel which you can check out here: Have a watch of the film below. It includes footage from FullyRaw Kristina, Ted Carr and Melissa from Raw Food Romance.
Read MoreGet Paid To Eat Avocado
by Ronnie Smith
A recent article published on the Boston Globe website is claiming that there is a new study in which participants will be paid to eat an avocado every day for 6 months. You can read that article here: The study seeks to discover what is the effect on body weight of a person consuming one…
Read MoreIndian Website Says Raw Food Diet Is A Growing Sensation Around The World
by Ronnie Smith
An Indian website, NDTV, has just released an article claiming that the raw food diet is a growing sensation around the world. The article gives a lot of positive information about the raw diet and you can read more here: Raw Food Diet Is A Growing Sensation All Over The World! Here’s Everything You Should…
Read More7 Top Hotspots For Durian Lovers by Lindsay Gasik (
by Ronnie Smith
@Durianwriter’s 7 Top Hotspots For Durian Lovers written by Lindsay Gasik In 2012 I went durian hunting. I had recently learned that it was possible to eat durian all year long in Southeast Asia if you were willing to jump countries every month or so to stay in the durian season. I mapped out the…
Read MoreVlog From UK Fruitfest 2018 From Belinda White
by Ronnie Smith
Check out this vlog recorded by Belinda White at UK Fruitfest 2018. To subscribe to her channel search for Belinda White on youtube.
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