Category: Uncategorized
Where Do You Get Your Protein On A Raw Vegan Diet?
by Ronnie Smith
Where Do You Get Your Protein On A Raw Vegan Diet? Check out this classic video from the Food N Sport youtube channel. In this video, Dr Doug Graham is asked whether you can get enough protein on a raw vegan diet. His answer is surpising, and in just less than 8 minutes you will…
Read MoreRESPONSE: ‘I’d a raw vegan birthday cake and was miserable, now I’m taking on the clean-eating brigade
by Ronnie Smith
RESPONSE: ‘I’d a raw vegan birthday cake and was miserable, now I’m taking on the clean-eating brigade This is a response to the following article: Dr John MacDougall said it best: “People love to hear GOOD THINGS about their BAD HABITS” In the diet industry, authors are handed large advances from publishers to…
Read MoreWomen Who Eat Very Little Fruit Find It Harder To Get Pregnant
by Ronnie Smith
Women Who Eat Very Little Fruit Find It Harder To Get Pregnant A new article has just been published on CNN: It references a study from the journal of Human Reproduction and states: “Those who ate fruit less than three times a month took half a month longer to become pregnant than those who…
Read MoreFruit: The Most Misunderstood Food
by Ronnie Smith
Fruit: The Most Misunderstood Food by Dr Doug Graham From the earliest of written history, fruit has played a key role in human health. It was the main food consumed in the proverbial Garden of Eden for an untold number of years. During the Golden Age of Man some 2500 years ago, fruit was the…
Read MoreNew juice range made from wonky fruit and veg aims to cut waste
by Ronnie Smith
New juice range made from wonky fruit and veg aims to cut waste A new story has just been published about a range of juice being made from “wonky fruit”: It states: One of the UK’s largest fresh produce growers has teamed up with a Spanish fruit supplier to create a new product, Waste…
Read MoreHealing From Eating Disorders On A Raw Vegan Diet
by Ronnie Smith
Healing From Eating Disorders On A Raw Vegan Diet This video is an interview from a few years ago with Professor Rosalind Graham. It is about the subject of eating disorders and in particular how she believes people can heal from eating disorders with a raw vegan diet. Rosalind will be speaking at the UK…
Read MoreA Rotting Durian Fruit Prompted a Gas Leak Scare and Evacuations on a Melbourne College Campus
by Ronnie Smith
A Rotting Durian Fruit Prompted a Gas Leak Scare and Evacuations on a Melbourne College Campus A new story has just been released on “Fears of a gas leak caused around 500 students and staff to be evacuated from a university library in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday. But instead of poisonous vapors, the 40 firefighters…
Read MoreThis Video Made Me Go Raw Vegan
by Ronnie Smith
Around about September 2011, I had just come back from a trip to New York with my then girlfriend. I remember she asked “Would you ever go back to New York?” and I said “Probably not” A week later I was back home scrolling through facebook when a friend posted a film called Earthlings. At…
Read MoreFormer Professor In Japan Claims Eating Fruit For 8 Years Made Him “Superhuman”
by Ronnie Smith
Does Eating Fruit Make You Superhuman? According to this Japanese Professor, the answer is YES! This article, published in HERE, states: “In September of 2009, Nakano decided to experiment with his health and eat nothing but fruit all day, every day. He was aware that conventional wisdom says an only-fruit diet is unhealthy (mainly…
Read More5 Myths About Fruit Consumption You Should Stop Believing
by Ronnie Smith
An article has just been released with the title: 5 Myths About Fruit Consumption You Should Stop Believing It appears HERE on Medical Daily So, let’s go through it and see what we think. “1. Frozen fruits are less nutritious than fresh ones This myth has perpetuated the idea that nutrients are lost when fruits are…
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