Category: Uncategorized
61. Harriet Kjaer – Ultrarunner, Luthier and 10+ Year Raw Vegan
by Ronnie Smith Welcome to another episode of the Love Fruit podcast. To keep up with future episodes join our mailing list here: In this episode we speak to Harriet Kjaer. Harriet is a professional luthier and has had workshops around Europe throughout her career. She has been on a raw vegan diet for around 10 years…
Read More60. Della Upsher Interview
by Ronnie Smith
Today’s guest is Della Upsher. Della did not start to change to a raw vegan diet until she was 59 years old. By that time she had already underwent a triple by pass surgery. She has lost weight and regained her fitness and energy on a raw vegan diet. You can learn more from her…
Read More59. EFT Therapist, Professional Violinist and Raw Vegan Jane Sinclair
by Ronnie Smith
Welcome to the Love Fruit podcast. Subscribe to the newsletter to keep updated for future episodes here: In this episode we interview Jane Sinclair. Jane is a professional violinist and an EFT practitioner. She has been on her raw vegan path for around 8 years and has attended the UK Fruitfest 6 times! In…
Read MoreMy Exotic Fruit Interview
by Ronnie Smith
Welcome to Episode 58 of the Love Fruit podcast. In this epsiode we were joined by Colin and Denny from My Exotic Fruit. My Exotic Fruit were one of the first online retailers of exotic fruits supplied direct to consumers in the UK. They joined us to speak about what goes on in their business…
Read MoreInterview With Rhiannon Van Der Griffin (from 2020)
by Ronnie Smith
Rhiannon Van Der Griffin is a home-educating Mother, living a high fruit, low fat raw vegan lifestyle for over 5 years in England, UK. Since going raw in March 2015 she has went on a huge journey of self discovery. As her body healed with her nutritious new lifestyle, she began doing intense inner work…
Read More56. Julia Pedroni Interview
by Ronnie Smith
Julia is a 29-year-old raw vegan, passionate about fruits and living food. She started her health journey at the beginning of 2020, following the physical loss of her Mum from a pancreatic cancer. She is at your disposal for guiding you to healing sources (reading/videos) and experienced health Coaches. Moreover, she is always more than…
Read More55. Jeannette Donofrio – Raw Vegan C.E.O
by Ronnie Smith
Jeannette Donofrio is a Food and Beverage Business Consultant originally from NYC and now lives in Miami, Florida. Jeannette is extremely passionate about living a raw vegan liferstyle and has for over 10 years now! Her life purpose is to inspire you to be your greatest version in all aspects of your life! Jeannette is…
Read MoreHealthy Dynamic Weight Loss With Lexi Tavares
by Ronnie Smith
Lexi Tavares is the author of the book “Fruitful Weightloss” She experienced her own weight loss journey with a raw vegan diet, releasing 30 pounds of weight in 30 days. She now helps vegans release excess weight quickly, easily, healthily, and enjoyably, without starving, using a low fat raw food diet. You can follow Lexi…
Read More53. Raw and Radiant Weightloss With Ashley Chong
by Ronnie Smith
Instead of following advice from doctors who were telling her to restrict calories, eat meat, and take a weight-loss drug, Ashley Chong did the exact opposite. She went 100% raw vegan overnight and it changed her life. She ended up losing about 125 lbs in less than a year and overcome multiple health issues. Ashley’s…
Read More52. Chef Ocean – Raw Food From L.A To The Jungle
by Ronnie Smith
Chef Ocean ( on instagram) has been on a raw food diet for around 20 years. He was originally inspired by the book Survival Into The 21st Century by Viktoras Kulvinskas and moved to California where he ended up working in the raw food restaurant “Juliano’s Raw”. He lived in a raw food community called…
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