
No Energy On A Raw Vegan Diet? Here Is Why…

There are many reasons to change to a raw vegan diet but for many people the most important thing they are looking for is more ENERGY.

Do you feel drained a lot of the time?  No wonder.  Our world is full of stresses and stimulations that can leave us feeling overwhelmed.  People are having less sleep and poorer quality sleep than ever before.  On top of all that it seems like working hours get longer and longer as globalisation demands higher and higher levels of productivity.

People are tired and looking for something to give them that boost. 

Mostly, they reach for caffeine filled drinks.  Many people are dependant on caffeine, hooked on it like a drug. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the feeling of being dependant on ANY substance.  You should want freedom in your lifestyle choices, not addiction.

Many go further than that and take recreational or prescription drugs to prop them up.  But we know that all of these artificial stimulants only end up STEALING energy from us…not giving us more.   They can have nasty consequences over time that are really not worth it.

Cleaning up your diet, and removing these stimulants, sounds like the right thing to do.  But still many people do not get the boost of energy they were looking for on a raw vegan diet.  Some report feeling more tired than ever before.

Why is this?

Whenever you are feeling a lack of energy there are some basic things you should consider.  This is a checklist I often run through with coaching clients that tell me they are struggling with a lack of energy.

1) Are you getting enough sleep.  Consider this deeply, are you really getting enough?  Are you getting the quality sleep you need?  Perhaps you need to add in a nap during the day to make sure you are getting all the sleep you need (remember that animals often rest for long periods of the day on top of a full night of sleep in order to be fully ready when they have to take action)

2) What is the level of caffeine in your diet?  Ideally, you should move towards a zero caffeine lifestyle.  This can be hard at first and the withdrawals from caffeine addiction can be very intense, be prepared for cold and flu symptoms.  A source of caffeine people forget about is chocolate, with dark chocolate often having more caffeine that milk chocolate.  If you are eating large amounts of raw chocolate this could be having an effect on your energy levels.

3) Are you eating enough?  A major challenge beginners have to this lifestyle is eating enough.  Quite simple, if you do not eat enough calories to fuel you adequately you will feel drained after a few days.  You will also feel a complete lack of motivation and you may start to feel irritable, depressed and like every is on top of you.  These can be symptoms of the body crying out for more food, a banana smoothie should do the trick!

4) Fitness.  What are your activity levels like?  Are you exercising a lot and not giving yourself time to recover?  Or do you never exercise and your fitness is at a very low level.  To experience a high level of health we must also build our fitness.

5) How is your external environment and emotional life?  Are there stresses in your life from relationships, from your job or from your home that are putting unconscious stress on you.  It can be hard to make these connections but it is worth looking for and looking to make changes.

6) Inspiration.  Are you inspired with where you are at in your life and what you are doing with it?  Do you have things that you are working towards and looking forward to?  This can have a big impact on your energy levels.

I have made a video about all of this on my youtube channel which you can view here:

Are you feeling a little clearer on what may be causing some unnecessary dips in your energy?  Embrace your health and live a life full of energy and enthusiasm!

There are many reasons to change to a raw vegan diet but for many people the most important thing they are looking for is more ENERGY. Do you feel drained a lot of the time?  No wonder.  Our world is full of stresses and stimulations that can leave us feeling overwhelmed.  People are having less…

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