My Natural Healing Journey with HPV – Tina Cseuz
by Ronnie Smith

In this video, previous Fruitfest attendee Tina Cseuz details her healing journey with HPV.
About this video Tina says:
“This is my testimonial of how raw foods and fasting reversed my high risk HPV test results and have helped me cultivate a strong immune system…
These lifestyle tools coupled with self awareness, tracking, education, experimentation and more have helped me stay HPV negative for over a decade and thrive with overall health and vitality… it IS a process and journey, with ebbs and flows.
Let me know what you think/feel~ And pleeeease let me know if this video or information have changed or even saved your life in the comments below… or what you would like to see more of 😉 let’s create a ripple wave effect!
Love, Health and Vitality Cleanse, Nourish, and Thrive 💖gift 💕offering✨from my heart to yours …my healing is your healing is our healing …a miaL medicine Heart song production You can find me for more heart shares on: 📸Instagram: @tinacseuz …like and subscribe my 🎞Youtube channel if you want more!”
Feel free to share this video with other and subscribe to Tina’s channel here:

In this video, previous Fruitfest attendee Tina Cseuz details her healing journey with HPV. About this video Tina says: “This is my testimonial of how raw foods and fasting reversed my high risk HPV test results and have helped me cultivate a strong immune system… These lifestyle tools coupled with self awareness, tracking, education, experimentation…