Category: Uncategorized
Detoxification Specialist and Iridologist Gary Meyer
by Ronnie Smith
Welcome to episode 50 of the Love Fruit podcast! Today’s episode is with Gary Meyer. Here is what Gary has to say about himself: “My name is Gary Meyer and I’m a certified coach for cellular regenerative detoxification, clinical iridology & herbology originally from germany and now living in Paraguay, South America. It’s my absolute…
Read MoreAcne, Alkaline Diet To Fruit Diet – Matthew Lorimer
by Ronnie Smith
Register to stay updated here: Matthew Lorimer is the Chief Technical Officer of a software company based in Stirling, Scotland. He has been on a 100% raw vegan diet (fruit based) for over 7 years. He started out changing to an Alkaline Diet to try to deal with his acne. Eventually, he found more information…
Read MoreRaw Vegan Body Builder – Alexander Demin
by Ronnie Smith
Subscribe to the newsletter to stay in touch: Alexander Demin is a software engineer originally from Russia now residing in London. His fitness activity of choice is bodybuilding. He has attended the UK Fruitfest and the Austria Fruit fest (where he gave a fascinating interview to the guests) Watch more episodes of the Love…
Read MoreEmbracing Your Joy With Fruit – Victoria Everett Collins
by Ronnie Smith
In November 2006 Victoria Everett completely changed her life. She was 34 years old, 248lbs, riddled with health problems, bed ridden and suffered from severe mental illness. She knew she was dying. She prayed to live and was given the answers. Moving towards a 100% raw vegan diet she found her health issues both physical…
Read More43. Rock Star Lifestyle To Raw Fooder – Ronnie Skurow
by Ronnie Smith
Welcome to the Love Fruit Podcast, a podcast for raw vegans and fruitarians. In this episode we interview Ronnie Skurow from Arizona. Ronnie has been eating a raw food diet for around 20 years. His raw food journey started when he met a woman that ran a raw food restaurant in Las Vegas. His raw…
Read MoreRichard Gambino Interview For Love Fruit Podast (Episode 42)
by Ronnie Smith
This week I got a chance to interview my friend Richard Gambino. Richard lives in Ojai, California where he grows his own fruits and vegetables and sells the excess from his farmstand. He has been on a raw vegan diet for close to 15 years and a vegan for years before that. He is also…
Read MoreLove Fruit Podcast 41: Robby Barbaro From Mastering Diabetes
by Ronnie Smith
In this episode of the Love Fruit podcast, I interview Robby Barbaro co-author and founder of Mastering Diabetes. Robby is a long term raw vegan that lives with Type 1 Diabetes. In this interview we talk about his journey to the raw vegan diet and how he ended up sharing this information with others through…
Read MoreLove Fruit Podcast 38: Alice Copilet
by Ronnie Smith
In this episode of the Love Fruit podcast we interview Alice Copilet. Originally from London, Alice now lives in Koh Phagnan, Thailand and follows a fruit based diet and health conscious lifestyle. Many people follow her on her instagram page @fasting_with_alice where you can learn more about her approach to health, healing and lifestyle improvement.…
Read MoreMy Natural Healing Journey with HPV – Tina Cseuz
by Ronnie Smith
In this video, previous Fruitfest attendee Tina Cseuz details her healing journey with HPV. About this video Tina says: “This is my testimonial of how raw foods and fasting reversed my high risk HPV test results and have helped me cultivate a strong immune system… These lifestyle tools coupled with self awareness, tracking, education, experimentation…
Read MoreEva Loves Raw – Love Fruit Podcast Interview 35
by Ronnie Smith
In this episode I interview Eva from Eva Loves Raw. I met Eva and her family at the Woodstock Fruit Festival a number of times and they were kind enough to invite me to stay with them when I was in Florida. She sticks to her 100% raw vegan diet and coaches others towards better…
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