Category: Uncategorized
Anne Osborne – 28 Years On A Fruitarian Diet
by Ronnie Smith
In this video I interview Anne Osborne. Anne is one of the few people I have met that has stuck to a fruitarian diet long term. By fruitarian, this means she does not consume vegetables, nuts or seeds instead focusing on fruit. Anne is the author of the great book “Fruitarianism: The Path To Paradise”…
Read More10 Essential Books About The Raw Vegan Diet and Lifestyle
by Ronnie Smith
There have not been many books written about the raw vegan lifestyle and fewer that were truly worth reading. In this blog I wanted to bring together many of the best known books and where possible provide my own ideas about these books. The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr Douglas Graham Of all of the books…
Read MoreKatya Kulkova – Love Fruit Podcast Episode 33
by Ronnie Smith
In 2017 Ekaterina completed her Plant-Based Nutrition Certification from eCornell and T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. Using her backgrounds in sports she incorporates exercise regimen, diet and lifestyle changes in her work as a health coach. She has a particular interest in working with terminal diseases and cancer, extreme or challenging cases. Her…
Read MoreDoes A Raw Food Diet Protect You From Sun Burn?
by Ronnie Smith
When you move towards a raw food diet many people become enamoured by the idea of getting back to nature. Often, you will look for other areas of your life to simplify. You may have also looked for areas of your life to make more “natural”. This is highly appealing and can be a good…
Read MoreGrant Campbell – Love Fruit Podcast Interview
by Ronnie Smith
Grant Campbell has played a big part in the Fruit Festival movement. He was an original pioneer of the Woodstock Fruit Festival, as well as being a featured speaker at the Canada Fruitfest, the Danish Fresh Food Festival and the Slovenian Fruits and Health Festival. He has spoken at the UK Fruitfest Festival every year…
Read MoreThe Wisdom Of Healthy Living
by Ronnie Smith
Human beings like to find simple and fixed ideas, principles or dogmas to follow that help us navigate the stormy seas of life with ease. We yearn for what is simple and clear and shy away from complexity, uncertainty and strangeness. We love to find things that “make sense” to us and often buy into…
Read MoreLove Fruit Podcast Interview With Louise Koch
by Ronnie Smith
Louise Koch, aka FruityLou is a Danish coach, speaker and author who cured herself naturally with a diet and lifestyle change. Today she helps other people do the same. For many years Louise suffered from both adrenal fatigue, liver problems, gout, low hormone production, anxiety attacks, depression, insomnia, low back pain, PMS, brain fog and…
Read MoreWhat Moths Can Teach Us About Our Bad Habits…
by Ronnie Smith
As I went for a morning walk today, I came across thousands of dead moths lying on the road. Last night there had been a tremendous rain storm. I imagine many of these moths were caught and drowned in the rain. The majority of these moths were concentrated under street lamps. I had been thinking…
Read MoreIs A Fruit Only Diet Dangerous?
by Ronnie Smith
Today is my 33rd day on Mango Island. This means I am only eating mangoes at the moment. This was not a set out plan, but something that naturally evolved and day by day I choose to make a decision to keep going if I am happy with it. Usually, I don’t recommend that anyone…
Read MoreDr Gabriel Cousens – Love Fruit Podcast Interview
by Ronnie Smith
Gabriel Kenneth Cousens is an American physician M.D., homeopath, and spiritu al writer who practices holistic medicine. He is the founder of the “Essene Order of Light”, a spiritual organization based upon teachings from the Jewish Kabbalah, the Torah, and modern interpretations of the Essenes. He is the founder of the “Tree of Life” centre…
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