What Moths Can Teach Us About Our Bad Habits…
by Ronnie Smith

As I went for a morning walk today, I came across thousands of dead moths lying on the road. Last night there had been a tremendous rain storm. I imagine many of these moths were caught and drowned in the rain.
The majority of these moths were concentrated under street lamps. I had been thinking about this phenomenon recently. Why are moths so powerfully attracted to our artificial lights? To the point that it can harm them or even lead them to drowning in the rain.
I remembered something from a documentary on this. For millions of years, moths were used to navigated by the light of the stars and the moon. Clearly, moths have no worries of bumping into the moon. But when we created artificial light, this confused the navigation system of the moth which leads them to flying and bumping into our lights.
What is so frustrating, is to see them doing it over and over and over. Why do they never learn? Why do they never break the cycle?
As humans, we think we are much smarter than this. We would identify this problem quickly and break the cycle of repeatedly flying into the light. After all, our brains are much larger than the humble moth.
But are we really much different?
Human beings are just as guilty of getting caught in cycles of behaviour, in negative patterns and bad habits that they struggle to break free from. We see people harm themselves over and over and over. Even when they are aware of the habit and KNOW that it is bad for them, most people struggle to break free.
And so, people are stuck in lifetime habits and addictions. Some of these may just be negative thought patterns. These can harm a person’s potential in life and stop them from trying new things or pushing to achieve a better life.
Or it could be negative relationship habits, in which a person keeps on having the same type of unsupportive and harmful relationships again and again.
But just like the moth, our habits can kill us. People struggle to give up the cigarettes, to cut down on the alcohol and to break free of eating junk foods. At the same time, they struggle with creating new and better habits and often ultimately give up after a few days.
The price to pay for these unbroken bad habits is much higher. Poor diets, cigarettes, alcohol and other addictive substances are not just connected with death. They are also connected with disease and disability during life. Bad diets are connected with obesity, which at it’s most extreme is a form of disability.
Bad habits literally destroy the quality of your life. They destroy the potential of your life and your potential to ultimately life a free and happy life in which you have achieved the dreams and success you want.
If it is time to break these habits, you may need more help than you realise. The vast majority of people are never able to change these deadly habits. Most people don’t even try, the task seems so difficult.
If you have found it hard to make the changes to your lifestyle that you want to make it may be time to work with a coach. Successful people hire coaches to help them make rapid changes in their life and lifestyle. They hire them to keep them accountable and offer clear guidance and advice. They go to them for motivation to stay on the path.
They know that without a coach, their chance of success in changing their lifestyle is very low.
If you feel a bit like a moth, continually caught in a cycle of bad dietary habits maybe it is time for you to break free. I am open to taking on 2 clients right now. If you want to find out if working with me is right for you, please check out further information at this page:
The journey to a healthier life is tough but it is one that we can walk together. I have walked the path already. I know the pitfalls, I know the obstacles and the I know the best route to avoid them. I have the map and the equipment. Let’s walk together….
Wishing you the best of health,
Ronnie Smith
Raw Transformation Coaching
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As I went for a morning walk today, I came across thousands of dead moths lying on the road. Last night there had been a tremendous rain storm. I imagine many of these moths were caught and drowned in the rain. The majority of these moths were concentrated under street lamps. I had been thinking…