What Do People Say About UK Fruitfest?
by Ronnie Smith

Learn More By Watching The Video Below….
Here are some things our previous attendees have said
“it’s been brilliant, I’ve loved every minute of it really; the talks, the food, the people it’s just been fantastic” – Steve Douglas, England
“it was wonderful, this was my first time in England. I’ve been to other festivals and this was beautiful. It’s a beatiful location and the people are very nice as they often are at most of the raw festivals. I really liked the campfire, that was just amazing”
– Laurie Ellicott, USA
“Absolutely brilliant. The defining points for me are two things really; 1) the chance to meet so many like minded people, share stories, share your journey and hear their stories back. It’s just great to meet people with similar ideas and passions, to share and learn. And 2) Listening to really, really high quality speakers. If you’ve read the books you think you know a lot but you learn so much more here and it can only help you in your health and your continued growth”
– Jack Childs, England
“it’s been a great time at the festival, I’ve learned a lot, I’ve met lots of new people of course. I’m loving all the presentations. Everyone wants to be healthier, the festival gives you a glimpse of the life you could have” – –Kate Weight, England
“it’s been really great, I met some new friends, had some great fruit, did some really good activities every day. It’s been really good to get the knowledge” – Paul Turner, England
“the highlights for me were meeting other people and meeting other children as well because coming as a family unit, making friends with other vegetarian, vegan, fruit based children is pretty huge” – -Tracey Rose, Scotland
“I’ve had fruits I’ve never had before, I’ve had dragon fruit, i’ve had durian and to have the unlimited quantities of it has been so liberating, it’s really great. Sharing the fruit with everyone, it has this really nice sense of community”
– Michael Goodchild, The Vegan Activist
“I’m gonna take away ways of planning my life better, a general attitude of positivity and not letting myself get bogged down by things, making more time in my life for running and exercise. It’s made me feel so clean I don’t want to go away and start putting other things into my body again. It’s really given me a restart”
– Dawn Dakin, England
“This is our 25th wedding anniversary and instead of going somewhere exotic we’ve decided to come and celebrate at the fruit festival. It’s been a life changing experience we were a bit daunted coming here because we are new to raw foods and we didnt know anybody here and didn’t know anybody else doing raw food. We came here with an open mind and we’ve absolutely loved it and can’t wait to come back. We don’t want to go home!”
– Pamela and Michael Jones, Wales
“it’s not just about eating fruit it’s about getting healthier, taking responsibility for yourself and connecting with like minded people” –Marcel Cattin, Switzerland
“So often we are addicted, maybe smoking, alcohol, coffee all these things and we know that they’re doing our bodies harm. Here you get the information and the inspiration to change your life”
-Roger King, England
“It’s even better than I expected it to be, definitely. I didn’t really know what to expect, I’d never met another raw foodie so I was really, really excited about meeting other like minded people and everyone here is so nice. I’ve learned so much this week, it’s brilliant it’s definitely exceeded my expectations in every way” – –Alexandra McLean-Dridje, England
“I really enjoyed the festival because we met so many nice people, did so many nice exercises and had the best fruit ever. I really enjoyed it and will come back” –Sarah Merkel, Germany
“I just love everything about it, the people are really, really great, the food….amazing, the sports instruction- really helpful, and all the speakers have been excellent, the information has been really really good” –Karina Kasler, Germany
“the highlights have been the talks, definitely, going to the running classes as well, it surprised me how much I learned from those. I was surprised at how friendly everybody here is. You don’t normally get that instant communication and respect when you meet people in day to day life. I’d definitely come back in a second, it’s been one of the best experiences of my life” –Michelle Erkiert, England
“I came by myself and I was a bit nervous about coming and Ronnie had said it was like a big happy family and I didnt believe him! But I can’t believe how open and loving and warm and accepting- what a great place and atmosphere. The food has been great, so many recipe ideas to take home so it’s really helped me on my journey. And then, all the people you see on Facebook, that you follow are here and you can ask them questions. It’s been brilliant, I loved it and made so many friends and connections, it’s just been superb. My body feels so clean, it feels so natural and right that I just want to carry on”
-Amanda Jones, England
“I’m so anxiously looking forward to this years UK Fruitfest. Having attended all of the Fruitfest’s in the past, I know that this year’s will once again be a highlight of my year. Every year the Fruitfest has improved. Every year, every aspect of the programme has been tweaked to better serve the guests, everybody’s happy, we all have a good time. I’m gonna be there this year because it’s so much fun! This is an event you don’t want to miss”
– Dr Doug Graham, author “The 80/10/10 Diet”
“It’s fantastic, it’s beautiful there’s so many wonderful people here, I’ve met so many friends, old friends, new friends, had so much fun” – Paul Miller, Jersey
“I was expecting it to be good but it’s surpassed my expectations, it’s been fantastic”
-Hannah Rees-Ridge, England
“I’ve had the best time I’ve ever had in my entire life” – Edina Jackson, England
“The food’s been amazing, I’ve had lychees that I never knew existed, I really didn’t know they could be that good, and had durian twice. Lots of activities, I’ve got new muscles in my legs that i’ve only ever seen in textbooks, I didn’t know I actually had those muscles myself” – –Jim Smith, England
“I had my first Yoga session which was amazing, I didn’t consider myself a Yogi!”
– Izolda Biro, Hungary
“It’s exceeded all my expectations. I thought I’d arrive and it would all be a bunch of hippies walking around with no shoes on. I’ve just met normal people that are like minded and it’s been inspiring from the minute I got here” – Jane Sinclair, Wales
“The highlights would be listening to experts in the field such as Dr Doug Graham, Anne Osborne, Chris Kendall, sharing their knowledge that they’ve accumulated over decades of following this lifestyle” – Wil Currie, England
“the food has been exceptional, I’ve loved the food, my favourite has probably been the peaches”
– Robyn Ede, England
“the quality of the food that was ordered has been out of this world, we’ve been able to get food from all over the world and it’s just been amazing” – Dorothea Vasichek, USA
“as the person that prepares a lot of the meals in the house it’s been a nice break for me to come here and have food prepared” – John Coleman, England
“I travelled from Florida just for the festival and I’ve had a fabulous time, this has been my first fruit festival and now it’s all I want to do!” – Dee Duncan, USA
“How have I found the festival? Brilliant, although it’s gone really, really quickly, the time has flown, it’s 5 days but it feels like about 2, but – absolutely brilliant!”
– Matthew Tolley, England
“I have to say this has been one of the most enjoyable festivals that i’ve ever been to in all the years I have been doing this. The whole experience was just marvellous for me, I don’t think I’ve ever been to an event where I felt quite so relaxed and just part of a big family, a big laid back, fun loving open minded, heart centred family. I really, really, enjoyed it”
–Prof. Rozalind Graham
“It was nice to reconnect with old friends who I haven’t seen in a long time and to meet tonnes and tonnes of new people” – Jesse Bogdanovich, The Whole Lifestyle
“It’s kind of a holiday camp. You come here, you relax, you do what you love, eating fruit, just chilling out, having time together…it’s perfect” – Sylvia Konaklieva, England
“It’s been mindblowing to be honest. I’ve had different ranges of emotions since I got here. The nectarine I had yesterday was the best piece of fruit I’ve ever eaten”
– Sean Smith, England
“UK Fruit Festival has seriously been amazing, it’s my second time back and it’s getting better and better every single year. Really amazing lectures, amazing food, amazing connections with everyone. I’ve been to more lectures at this festival than ever and the education has bar none been really, really high. All the people had a lot of fun, a lot of heart and genuinely wanted to connect to each other, it was just awesome” – Chris Kendall, raw vegan chef and teacher
“the fruit’s been awesome, being in this beautiful area has been sweet, the accommodations are cool too, I love the little huts we’ve been staying in. It’s been a great time and the presenters have been sweet, the attendees have been going to nearly every presenation. I’m excited to come back in the future for sure” – Alyse Brautigam, Raw Alignment
“The festival was great. Being here with fruit and fruit family is a fantastic place to be. The men’s group was great, the campfires were fantastic and the athletics, the morning runs with Grant were a super, super time” – -Ted Carr, Fruit Living
“I’ve learned a lot of information to keep my health good for my whole life. Not just about the diet, about how to sustain a good lifestyle and how all the parts support each other” – Venla Mustonen, England
“it’s been good to eat all the amazing food and all of the talks have been really incredible. I’ve loved the running, yoga, Doug’s classes have been amazing. The speakers have been so open and willing to share. I just found it really valuable, it definitely exceeded my expecations” – Angela Orrechio, USA
“It was my very first festival and you guys made me feel so welcome and accepted. Your festival holds a very special place in my heart” -Melissa Raimondi, Raw Food Romance
Learn More By Watching The Video Below…. Here are some things our previous attendees have said “it’s been brilliant, I’ve loved every minute of it really; the talks, the food, the people it’s just been fantastic” – Steve Douglas, England “it was wonderful, this was my first time in England. I’ve been to other festivals…