How To Spot The Raw Food Snake Oil Salesman
by Ronnie Smith

How To Spot The Raw Food Snake Oil Salesman
Have you ever heard of the term “Snake Oil Salesmen”?
It is a term that is broadly used to describe a con man selling a scam product. But the term has a real origin.
This concept originated in the US many years ago. It is said that Chinese immigrants had a salve made using snake oil that helped with aching joints. Whether this is true or not we can’t be sure.
But the idea of selling snake oil as a cure-all sprung from this story. Con men started to put on elaborate shows at fairs and markets to sell the product, sometimes involving a demonstration of how they killed the snake and added it to boiling water to extract the oil.
These elaborate sales presentations worked remarkably well and many people were bilked out of their hard earned cash to buy a worthless product that had never been found to be effective in curing anything.
Though snake oil is no longer sold, the same process is used to sell modern products that are just as ineffective.
There is a particular sales pitch that is as old as the hills and has worked for at least 100 years, if not longer. Using this style of presentation, numerous supplements, herbs, gimmicks and other ineffective solutions have been sold...and many people have become rich off the back of the ignorance of the audience.
This fraud was well known as far back as the 1960s and was documented in a film called “The Health Fraud” which was put together by the US department of health.
I came across this video on Youtube and could not believe what I saw. it showed examples of fraud in the health industry and what I was most amazed by was that the sales pitch used was almost exactly the same as things we still hear today.
The presentation starts by instilling fear in people. They will say:
– the food no longer has enough nutrition
– the soils are depleted
– the foods are full of chemicals and deadly pesticides
The insinuation is that a person’s bad health is not their fault. No, it is the fault of the farmer…the government…the scientists!
The only solution, is to consume supplements…and it just so happens I have some right here…..
You can view the whole video here:
(by the way, this is my personal youtube channel if you wish to subscribe to it)
What frustrates me, is that many people have bought into these ideas. They have heard them so often that they assume that there is truth to these statements.
But what is the reality around the level of nutrition in our food?
Luckily, the government conducts ongoing surveys to make sure the nutrient content of the food we are eating is not changing significantly. Here is what a recent report has to say:
“These results are broadly similar to existing data held. There is no evidence of major changes in the nutrient content of fruit and vegetables based on this survey and any changes are unlikely to be nutritionally significant in a varied diet”
– Nutrient Analysis Of Fruit and Vegetables: Summary Report, Department of Health (UK)
So when we hear someone telling us that the food we eat no longer has enough nutrition, first check out whether they are looking to sell supplements or nutrient testing services.
The truth is there is very little need to have fear about the nutrition you are getting when eating fruits and vegetables. You are eating the best and healthiest foods it is possible to consume.
And thanks to the modern day food supply, diseases of deficiency have basically vanished.
If you do suspect you have a deficiency, it is best to seek help from a doctor who will be able to arrange the required testing for you. This is important as your deficiency may not be to do with the food you eat but could represent something else going on in your body.
A raw food guru would not be able to tell you that. But some will have some superfoods or a herbal remedy to sell you.
If you are looking for those products or testing, UK Fruitfest is unable to help you. But if you are looking for world class education provided by the most well known and respected raw food leaders, food provided by the best raw vegan chef in the world and an amazing community of people to share it with, we have the event for you.
If you want to join us, the best time to register is now. A price hike is coming very soon.
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How To Spot The Raw Food Snake Oil Salesman Have you ever heard of the term “Snake Oil Salesmen”? It is a term that is broadly used to describe a con man selling a scam product. But the term has a real origin. This concept originated in the US many years ago. It is said that Chinese…